
Showing posts from February, 2022

The Sexist Gene - a Critique of Dawkins' Selfish Gene

The Sexist Gene As a biology student, I've had a fair few book recommendations. One that kept cropping up by my university lecturers was Richard Dawkins' The Selfish Gene. Being the good student I am, I bought a cheap copy online and started reading the second it arrived. That was the end of January 2021.     Today's date is the 25th of February 2022. I have just finished it.     I gave up on this book twice, only picking it up again because one of my lecturers loves it so much he based an entire module on it. As a result of this, my memory of the first part of the book is foggy, but I cleared the second half in the past week and I have some thoughts. This is why it took me over a year to read it and why I only rated it two stars. Structure and Writing Style      I've read a lot of scientific texts. By now, I can wade through the technical language and come out the other side with a sound understanding of what was said. Dawkins' book is supposedly written to be acce